By: Julita Kantod

Tawau : More than 1,000 parishioners attended the 7.30 pm Holy Thursday Eucharistic Celebration at Holy Trinity Church on 29th March 2018. The mass was presided over by Rev. Fr. Sunny Chung and con celebrated by Msgr. Nicholas Ong.

In his opening note to the congregation, Fr. Sunny invited all to reflect on the purpose of serving others either in the church, in the community or in the family. Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. It is a sign and example on being humble with unconditional love for the sake of serving others.
Fr. Sunny, in his homily, reminded all that Holy Thursday teaches us a few important things that should be reflected and be embedded in our hearts. It also provides direction for all of us and the future generation.
Jesus Christ washes the feet of his disciples including the disciple who betrayed him. This act reminds all of us to serve others humbly, honestly, and with a pure heart without any condition attached. Service is never for self-gratification but for the glory of God. It is always for others.
It is the moment when Christ gives his last order to his disciples and perhaps to us to participate in the Eucharistic celebration, to receive His body and blood for the forgiveness of sin and inherit eternal life in heaven. Each time we celebrate the Eucharist, we will remember the great passion of our redeemer/saviour who brought us life through His unfailing love.

He summed up his homily touching on the mysteries which are commemorated in the mass; the institution of the Eucharist which is the summit of our Catholic faith, the priesthood and His command of brotherly love.

Fr Sunny performed the foot washing ceremony on 12 parishioners chosen from the various parish communities.

After the celebration, the Blessed Sacrament was carried in procession to the Church Basement Room for reposition. Members of the various groups continued keeping vigil with d Lord until mid-night.