Article by Romeo Barintang
Photo by SOCCOM

Sandakan: St. Mary’s Cathedral marked the beginning of the Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday at the Saturday Sunset mass, 24th March 2018. The same mass will also be celebrated on the following Sunday morning.

The parishioners assembled at the front porch of the parish hall where the palm branches were blessed by the celebrant, Rev. Fr. Christopher followed by a procession to the main entrance of the Cathedral.

Fr. Christopher in his homily, shared the Gospel reading where Peter, the disciple of Jesus, would deny Him twice before the cock crows three times. After listening to what Jesus says to him, Peter replied that he will not act so.

He called upon all to reflect on our sins and the times our faith lapsed. Despite all that, God’s love which is greater than our sins, restored us through his passion and death on the cross.
Fr. Christopher concludes his homily by reminding that the church is a gift granted to us. Jesus will never turn away anyone who repents because we are the children of God.
Palm Sunday Celebration in BM

Palm Sunday Celebration in Bahasa Malaysia was presided over by His Lordship Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan on Sunday, 25th March 2018. It also commemorates the World Youth Day (WYD), with the youth of St Mary’s who actively participated during the Eucharistic mass as Choir, readers and wardens.

Palm Sunday in BM at St Mark’s Church, celebrated by Rev. Fr. Christopher on Sunday, 25th March 2018  

“The church is the body of Jesus. If we criticize the church in a wrong way then we also criticize Jesus. We are churches. If we realize we are the church, and so we admit we are the children of God”. Fr. Christopher Ireneus.