By SOCCOM (Euthalia)

Everyone has a story to tell. Unfortunately for the poor, homeless and the needy that story is “Hunger.” Every day they will look for food, hoping that God will hear their prayer. Not all stories have happy endings. Sometimes sad endings can be lessons that may strengthen and build us up. During the advent season, the SOCCOM members of St Mary’s Cathedral Parish organized a soup kitchen project. The project was headed by Marshall Owen and fully supported by the SOCCOM Coordinator, Leonard and other members, as well as volunteers.

The theme for the project is taken from Matthew 25 : 40 – “You Did It To Me”  (Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me).
Preparation for this advent project began with promoting the event a few weeks before at the church entrance. We received donations not only from parishioners but also from non parishioners such as mineral water from Ms. Elena and cakes from Ms Shirley Yeo. 
This project was held every Friday evening during the season of advent. Members and volunteers assembled at the Parish Hall on 30thNovember 2018. After the opening prayer by Mr. Francis Tan, a short briefing on safety and locations was conducted by the Coordinator, Mr. Leonard. We were divided into two groups during our first assignment.

After which, we moved out to our designated locations to distribute the packed foods and drinks. The locations selected were the town and hospital areas. Volunteers were touched and moved when they encountered those living in the periphery. After distributing the foods and drinks, we felt blessed that God has used us as in some way to bring relief to those in need.

Testimonies from members

Personally, I felt that the advent project is no longer about the differences of religions. When I handed out the foods and drinks to the needy, a simple ‘Thank You’ from them would make me feel blessed. Most of all, it is a joy that I could share Christ’s love in my own little way. (Euthalia Jihan Soccom Tresurer)
This is my first time joining the soup kitchen. I’ve heard about it and seen it but never experience it myself. So, I decided to participate during the second week of advent and at that time I was still recovering from gastric which occurred a few weeks before. We were divided into two groups and I was assigned to lead the group designated in the town area. When we arrived, we carried the packed foods to the town mosque.
As we went up the stairs we saw a number of the homeless who were taking refuge there. I was really surprised because I pass by the mosque quite often but I never knew that there were people living there. As we handed out the packed meals I could see that even though they do not know who we were and where we came from, they were very willing to accept our little gift. After witnessing that, I felt that the love of humankind still exist though a simple gesture. Thank you all especially to Marshall Owen for the opportunity to serve the poor during the advent season. (Romeo Francis Asst. Coordinator Soccom) 

Our “Soup Kitchen” project ended on 21stDecember with a closing prayer followed by singing some Christmas songs. This project is so meaningful to us and SOCCOM will continue with this project next year. We would like to say “Thank You” to all our kind parishioners and generous donors who have contributed in one way or another in making this event a success.