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Sandakan : Around 130 delegates from across the Diocese of Sandakan attended the 2nd Diocesan Delegate Assembly (DDA) on 31st January – 2nd February 2019 at the Diocesan Conference Hall. Delegates gathered to re-evaluate the understanding of the Diocesan Vision and Mission Statement and to review their Pastoral Plan Implementation.
The first Assembly was held on 4th – 5th January 2017 whereby the Diocesan Vision and Mission Statements were formulated. It was officially launched in October 18, the same year during the 10th Diocesan anniversary in Holy Trinity Church, Tawau.
The assembly was well attended by delegates from the five parishes (St. Mary, Sandakan, Holy Trinity, Tawau, St. Dominic, Lahad Datu, St. Martin, Telupid and Our Lady of Fatimah Beluran) and the Paitan Mission. In attendance were all the Sandakan Diocesan priests and religious (Franciscan sisters and a Montfort brother), a Deacon and seminarians. 

The Assembly began with an Opening Mass on 31st January at 6.00 pm, presided over by Rt. Rev. Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan and con-celebrated by all the Sandakan Diocesan priests. In His Lordship’s opening note, Bishop Julius expressed his gratitude to all the delegates for making the effort and giving priority to attend the DDA.

In quoting the day’s gospel reading (Mark 4: 21-25), he said that the Lamp mentioned is much relevant and connected to the intention of the Diocese to give light to all. Whether it will shine on each one of the delegates depends much on his/her enthusiasm. The prelate hoped and prayed that through the DDA and on this Extraordinary Year of Mission will enkindle that enthusiasm to be bearers of the light in their respective parishes.

On the welcoming address by the Chairman of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, Fr. David A. Garaman encouraged all delegates to adopt the spirit of the Extraordinary Year of Mission’s theme, “Baptised and Sent” –  Life is a mission: We are called to live, preach and bear witness to the Word of God.

On the second-day, 1st February morning session, delegates were given a recollection by Fr. Jasery Gabuk on the importance for church leaders to be focused in their mission work, in-line with the Vision and Mission of the diocese. “Once baptised you are called to fulfil God’s mission, it is not solely the responsibility of the bishop, priests or religious alone but all baptised Christians”, said Fr. Jasery. The recollection helped the delegates to reflect on the renewed ways of thinking through the spiritual eyes and relying on God and the Holy Spirit for their pastoral commitment.

The afternoon session was allotted for Bishop’s keynote address on the realities facing the churches in the Sandakan diocese.  In response to the keynote address, delegates were divided into 12 groups to discuss a number of issues presented to the floor on what they thought and felt, and their responses to the challenges highlighted in the keynote address. The session provided the opportunity to share experiences, ideas and hopes for better pastoral approaches.

In the late afternoon, all parishes and the Paitan Mission presented their report on their pastoral plan   –   what they have set to accomplish through the vision and mission of the diocese. The night session was the Pope’s message on the Extraordinary Year of Mission delivered by Fr. David. This year will be an opportunity for the delegates to renew their missionary enthusiasm and develop their sense of commitment towards the mission and pastoral work of the church.

On the final day of the DDA, 2nd February, the delegates were divided according to their parishes to discuss and chart out their pastoral action plan based on the mission statement of the diocese; “Building a Christ-centered Community through nurturing active church participation with the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life.” The delegates agreed that the said mission statement be adopted as the main priority for all parishes. At the end of the discussion, every parish presented their action plan for the year.

The Sending off mass was celebrated right after the presentation of the discussion to mark the end of the 2nd Sandakan Diocesan Delegate Assembly. Towards the end of the celebration, Bishop Julius launched the Extraordinary Year of Mission for the Sandakan Diocese by unfurling the banner depicting the Extraordinary Year of Mission. The prelate then presented the Missionary Year banners to all the rectors in the five parishes and the resident priest of the Paitan Mission.

In wrapping up the DDA, the prelate pointed out the importance of nurturing unity among the faithful, groups and ministries in the church. He said the Eucharistic celebration unites us with Christ and at the same time, unites the faithful whether active or non-active members in serving the church. He stressed that the Eucharist will nurture the spirit of unity and the involvement and participation of all and it is our duty and responsibility to promote the importance of the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life.

The Diocesan Delegate Assembly has given the opportunity for the Church leaders not only to voice out their pastoral concerns but together with their Bishop, Clergies and Religious take up the role as disciples of Christ, working together in building up God’s kingdom in the diocese.