by Romeo F. Barintang

Sandakan: Easter Vigil was celebrated on 20th April 2019 at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Cathedral with about 2,000 parishioners attended the final day of the Paschal Triduum. Holy Saturday is the final day of Lent, of Holy week and of the Easter Triduum, the three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil), during which Christians commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ and prepare for His Resurrection.
The Easter Vigil was celebrated by Rt. Rev. Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of the Sandakan Diocese which began with the blessing of the fire and the lighting of the Easter candle outside the Cathedral’s compound.
Bishop Julius in his homily says “it is our duty to share the good news of the Lord and shares the joy of God’s love with one other so that we can be baptist and also offer the living water with other’s in the celebration of the living God on His resurrection and the renewal of our baptismal promises”. The prelate added “by renewing our baptismal promises we are reborn and celebrate Easter with our family, friend or community no matter when or where we are so that we can embrace that by celebrating Easter where the Lord lived in us”.
After the homily, the prelate proceeded to the baptism font for the Liturgy of Baptism. The catechumens were called forward and presented by their sponsors to be baptized, witnessed by the whole congregation. A total of 86 catechumens were baptized in St Mary’s Cathedral Parish; 7 English speaking and 29 Bahasa speaking catechumens were baptised at St Mary’s Cathedral, while at the same time 13 Chinese speaking catechumens were baptized at St. Joseph’s Church, administered by Fr. Sunny Chung. Similarly at St. Mark’s Church another 37 Bahasa speaking catechumens were baptized by Fr. Christopher Ireneus.
The Easter vigil celebration concluded at 11.00 pm with everyone in jovial mood, exchanging Easter greetings.