By Evelyn Jock

Parish Rector, Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman

Parish Rector of the St. Mary’s Cathedral, Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman, commissioned several individual during the Pentecost Sunday Eucharistic Celebration on 22 and 23 May 2021. These men and women have been chosen as leaders and representatives of the various Church Ministries of the Sandakan Parish. They have been called to serve as they have demonstrated their spiritual giftedness, competencies and church leadership.

In his homily at Mass, Fr. David explained that Pentecost Sunday marked the end of the Easter season and that Pentecost occupied a very important position in the church’s life and the liturgical calendar. It marked the beginning of the church’s missionary endeavour and also reminded us of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles giving them renewal and empowerment in continuing Christ’s mission on earth.  Pentecost reminded us of the communities of the St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish and that they should be led by the Holy Spirit which was gifted to them at Baptism, to show them the best way to serve the church.

The Church Ministries commissioned and blessed at the St. Mary’s Cathedral are those involved with the newly appointed Parish Pastoral Council (2021-2024), Catechetical, BEC, 5 Mission School Board of Governors, Neo Catechumenal Way,  Parish Youth Apostolate, Catholic Women’s Apostolate, Order of Franciscan Secular, Parish Solace Ministry, Parish Family Life Ministry, Parish Creation Justice Ministry, Marian 2nd Chance, Security and Wardens Ministry, Marian Mount Development Committee and Marian Mount Volunteers.

Members of the various Church Ministries in St. Mary’s Cathedral

Fr. David also commissioned and blessed about 20 members of the St. Mark’s Pastoral Committee, Catholic Youth Apostolate, Catechetical Ministry, Catholic Women’s Apostolate, Keluarga Besar Katolik Indonesia and BEC leaders during the morning mass at St. Mark’s Church at Mile 10.   At the 11 am mass at St. Peter’s Church, Sungai Manila, Fr. David also commissioned 6 members of the Pastoral Committee.

Members of the Church Ministries at St Mark’s Church

Witnessed by parishioners attending masses during the Sunset Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral and those attending the morning mass at St Mark’s Church and St Peter’s Sungai Manila, the Church leaders and representatives of the Church Ministries affirmed their acceptance of the responsibilities that have been given them and pledged to serve the parish with joy, love and enthusiasm.  They promised to make Christ present for all parishioners following His example as one who serve. With the commissioning, their appointment are formalised and that they may carry out their respective duties.