Reported by Parish SOCCOM (Vinnie Beatrice Yapp)
Pictures by Parish SOCCOM (Euthalia, Romeo and Johnstone)
This year’s observance of Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent. About 1,500 parishioners, which includes the elderly, youth, children and babies, walked out of the St Mary’s Cathedral with ashes on their forehead as a visible symbol of penance.
The Ash Wednesday Mass started at 7:30 pm in the evening of 22 February 2023 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. The mass was presided by His Lordship Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom and concelebrated by Fr Thomas Makajil. Simultaneously, there were three other masses celebrated at the same time at St Joseph’s Church in Mandarin by Fr Raymond Lee Seng Huat; St Mark’s Church in Bahasa Malaysia by Fr Simon Kontou and Fr David Garaman celebrated mass at St. Peter’s Chapel in Sungai Manila.
In his homily, Bishop Julius mentioned to the parishioners that the celebration of Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Holy Season of Lent for 40 days. The Season of Lent is a time to devote themselves solely to seeking the Lord in prayer, to sacrifice self-control through fasting and almsgiving. The prelate mentioned about significant things to observe during the lenten season and that it is a good time to work with the community and engage in works of charity and supporting the church’s charitable works. The parishioners should also practise selfless giving for the spirit of the synodal journey as mentioned in the 2023 lenten message of Pope Francis. The prelate further urged the faithful to enter the season of Lent with full determination and taking seriously the call of the church to fast and abstain, not just from food but from other unhealthy attachments as well.
The mass ended with the mark of the ashes on the parishioners’ forehead.
“For dust you are and to dust you will return” – Genesis 3:19