Reported by Parish SOCCOM (Vinnie Beatrice Yapp)
Pictures by SOCCOM (Romeo and Johnstone)
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week before Easter. This year’s Palm Sunday was celebrated on 1 April 2023 with more than 600 parishioners attending the Sunset mass celebration at the St Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan.
The Mass presided by His Lordship Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom began at the frontage of the Cathedral due to heavy rain that evening. The procession from the St. Mary’s Parish Hall which was planned earlier did not materialised. The faithful gathered in the cathedral holding palm branches in their hands to celebrate the beginning of the Lord’s Passover mystery of His passion and resurrection whilst the choir chant the Hosanna antiphon.
In his homily Bishop Julius, shared about the history of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem to accomplish his Pascal Mystery. The victorious entry reminds us that although Christ endured great sorrow and suffering, He is victorious over sin and death.
Palm Sunday is a time to reflect on the message of love, humility, and sacrifice that Jesus preached during his life. As we journey into the Holy Week, we are preparing our hearts to enter the time of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.
We are called to deeply appreciate His sufferings with faith and devotion, as well as to follow in His footsteps so that with His grace we may find salvation, a share in His resurrection.
“Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD”