By Evelyn Jock
St. Mary’s Cathedral parish under the guidance of the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Simon Kontou together with the Parish Pastoral Council spearheaded the 4th Parish Pastoral Assembly on 27 January 2024 with the theme Laudato Si’ (Be praised). Fr. Simon reiterated that the parish is on course towards the Malaysia Pastoral Convention in 2026, where the Diocese and parish have already addressed issues on the Evangeli Gaudium (Church) in 2023, Laudato Si (Ecology) in 2024 and God willing the followings: Fratelli Tutti (Social) in 2025 and Amoris Laetitia (Family) in 2026 will be dealt with accordingly.
The assembly help foster the pastoral plans of the parish amongst others, the encyclical of Pope Francis called, Laudato Si’. This document is intended for each and every one of us on this planet, Catholics and non Catholics. It is a comprehensive document about our impact on the fragile environment, about human ethics and the Christian faith in preserving, protecting and caring for God’s creation. Pope Francis is calling on all the people of God of all parishes and dioceses worldwide for co-responsibility in mitigating climate change and caring for mother earth. The planet is being abused and exploited to a point of no return and will be irreversibly destroyed if we do not act now. As custodians and Catholics, we must not procrastinate and start the healing process of our blue planet. Or, we can opt for “Do Nothing” and our future generation will pay the price and falter.
All leaders of the various ministries, Basic Ecclesiastical Communities, parish youth, parishioner (the elderly and the young) were invited, to listen and dialogue with one another as a synodal church on how we can better help shape our parish and thereafter the world. The members of the Parish Pastoral Council presented highlights of the 6 chapters in Laudato Si’. A spiritual conversation with lighted candles placed on each tables took place after the presentation where the participants were gathered in groups of 8 or 9. In this conversation, the Holy Spirit speaks through each one of us and we treat each one as equals while remaining humble and sincere. This conversation indicated that synodality exists within the parish indicating that the people are walking together, listening and talking with each other, regardless of differences in race, language and culture, working together for a common mission. The main questions during the spiritual conversation were, “What are the Joys and Blessings we have received through Mother Nature?”; “What are the anxieties and struggles that we are having towards the protection and respect of Ecology?”; and “What are our hopes and aspirations in appreciating and protecting Ecology and how are we going to achieve them?”. The conversations indeed were very encouraging with trained facilitators guiding the conversation and assigned secretaries recording these so called conversations. The participants were able to express themselves freely and it certainly brought everyone closer. There were many others who joined such a conversation for the first time and it was very enlightening for them.
Fr. Simon had reminded that although the assembly had ended, everyone should continue to act. Taking the reign to follow up on the findings from the assembly and implement the action plans to address Ecology shall be carried out by the Parish Creation Justice Ministry who will work closely with the Parish Pastoral Council and other ministries of the parish. Laudato Si’ shall be a part of the conversation of the parish and each person can make a difference through homilies, presentations, bulletins and social media.