By Raymond Wong
We have entered the new year 2024 and Catechetical Sunday falls on 28 January 2024, on which the commissioning of all catechists in the different language groups was carried out in the respective mass.
The English speaking was conducted by Parish priest, Rev. Fr. Simon Kontou during the Sunset Mass on 27th January, where all the RCIA facilitators were present along with the Sunday School teachers.
The evening before the commissioning, the group gathered at St. Jerome for a recollection where the group prayed the Vespers prayer and then did the reflection for this year’s catechetical Sunday message.
For the Chinese speakers, the commissioning was carried out in the Sunday morning mass with parish priest Rev. Fr. Simon presided. Later in the morning, the Bahasa Malaysia speakers was also commissioned but was led by His Lordship Bishop Julius.
All RCIA catechists and Sunday School teachers were present.