By Evelyn Jock

Fr. Raymond Lee of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan engaged with the parishioners and brought them for a journey through the Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday, and then the Triduum and Easter Sunday. As Fr. Raymond is fluent in 3 languages, the recollection was conducted in Bahasa Malaysia (27 February 2024), English (3 March 2024) and Chinese (10 March 2024) respectively. More than 150 parishioners participated in this Holy Week recollection. Fr. Raymond brought the faithful to have a deeper understanding of Lenten Season and celebration of Palm Sunday which marks the final Sunday of Lent and the onset of Holy Week.

Palm Sunday commemorates the arrival of Jesus, the King of Kings, into Jerusalem who was welcomed by the people waving palms and shouting ‘Hosanna, Hosanna’. Fr. Raymond conversed with the parishioners the meaning of the palms, the procession and the proceeding of the liturgy of Palm Sunday mass. He also explained on the Chrism Mass which should take place on the morning of Holy Thursday but because of pastoral reasons, this mass is held early on 14 March 2024 after the priests’ periodic meeting. Chrism Mass, a mass that parishioners should attend as this mass brings together all the priests from the various parishes of the Diocese of Sandakan, and they could witness the Renewal of Priestly Promises of the priests to the Bishop, head of the Sandakan Diocese. This mass also celebrates the blessing of the Oil of the Sick, Chrism Oil and the Oil of Catechumen.

Fr. Raymond, ordained as a priest on 16 May 2022, was hilarious with his take on experiences as a seminarian and later as a priest during the Holy week celebration in an easy to understand way. From Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, he explained the Triduum which is solemn, denoting Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil. Highlights of Holy Thursday is the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, the washing of the feet, the consecration of extra hosts for used on Good Friday because no mass is celebrated then. This mass concludes with the procession of the Blessed Sacrament and the vigil by parishioners. Good Friday, a day of fasting and abstinence as we recalled Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins. The liturgical ceremony on Good Friday is a communion service only and not a Mass. Consecrated hosts from Holy Thursday is distributed to the parishioners. This service witnesses the silent entry, priest prostrating in front of the altar, Gospel Narrative on the passion of Christ and the veneration of the Cross.  Since the recent pandemic, there is no more kissing of the cross by the faithful but bowing and kneeling before the cross.

All parishioners must attend the celebration of the Triduum to fulfil the attendance of a one full mass celebration. Easter Vigil starts early at 7.30 pm in the Sandakan Diocese. This celebration ceremony is more dramatic and one of solemn expectation as we anticipate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. During this vigil, we witnessed the Service of Light, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of Baptism and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We get to experience the RCIA catechumens being baptised and confirmed.

Fr. Raymond explained that to celebrate Easter fully, parishioners have to attend Easter Sunday mass which commemorates and celebrates Jesus resurrection. Thank you Fr Raymond for a very inspiring knowledge of the Holy Week and walking us through the liturgy of Christ’s passion, death, crucifixion and resurrection.