Unity Toward a Synodal Community

Eng and BM article by Bartholomeow Chong  TAWAU, 17 JUNE 2024: The need for more Catholics to be part in the Synodality programs at all level is being called for. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Ong in his speech during the launching of a sport event here said more effort are...


Reported by Cristin Tan Tawau: The BIBLE APOSTOLATE Committee organized a fun Bible activity for young and old on BIBLE SUNDAY, which took place in three languages ​​simultaneously on September 10th at the Holy Trinity Parish Hall. The Bible Apostolate committee made...


图/文:Betty杨雲淩   斗湖圣三天主堂华人牧灵委员会于10月8日(星期日)晚上6时30分在礼堂成功举办2023年中秋晚会。此次活动共吸引了多达两百五十位本堂华文及土著教友出席同欢共庆,场面温馨热闹。 中秋晚会节目开始由华牧主席Kelly...


图与文:张文歆 斗湖聖山天主堂华牧于9月28日舉辦製作月餅活動。 此活動的宗旨是拉近教友之間的關係以及學習如何制作冰皮月餅。活動中吸引了22位教友參加并由Kelly Chin姐妹教大家如何做月餅。Kelly姐妹是一位丰富经验的蛋糕厨师,在家全职制作蛋糕以及有固定的顾客向他预购。每天在家制作蛋糕在面子书上载不到5分钟就售罄。 早上9时30分活動正式開始。早禱後,Kelly 姐妹教大家如何開始製作月餅,分配材料及种种的步驟。...