Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (EMCs) of the 3 language groups, outstations and newly appointed EMCs from the Holy Trinity Church, Tawau gathered together on the 3rd of December, 2022 for their 2nd formation facilitated by Fr. Arthur John.

The formation started with a mass presided by Fr. Arthur. The 1st talk by Fr. Arthur was a video presentation on the theology if the Eucharist, followed by a simple explanation for the participants to understand.

The 2nd talk was shared by Danny Carreon on the role and function of the EMCs as well as presentation of sacramental objects used by EMCs in their ministry.

3rd talk by Fr. Arthur on the service of the word, followed by question and answer. The formation ended at noon with lunch.
A total of 35 EMCs and 8 newly appointed EMCs was commissioned by Msgr. Nicholas Ong and assisted by Fr. Arthur during the evening mass.