by Alen Kee
TAWAU: On August 30 and 31, Holy Trinity Parish Social Communication (SOCCOM) conducted a two-day article and photography workshop to attract more writers to cover the parish and its outstation activities. The workshop was attended by representatives from various ministries including the Sunday School, St. Peter’s Church, Brumas and St. James’s Church.
Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman said “SOCCOM is a team in the church because wherever we are, we cannot escape social communication such as WhatsApp, TikTok, Facebook and other social media. All of this is good because it brings us a certain message, but from the church’s perspective, we also play the role of conveying things that happen in the church, especially good things in our work. Through this workshop, we not only hope that everyone will be able to write news, but we also hope that you can really activate and use social media communication to better spread the good news using social media. There are now a lot of good and some bad things on social media, such as fake news that is not authentic and sometimes you don’t know where the news comes from.”
“After two days of this workshop, hopefully there will be a follow-up session, perhaps on the issues that should be addressed for all of us, and we hope that with this workshop we can reactivate SOCCOM activities in our community,” he added. He also mentioned the parish has a lot of activity at the church and most of that activity goes unreported. “We get a lot of photos posted on SOCCOM Facebook, but it is better that these photos are also reported.”
“The main reason is that our diocese already has an official Diocese of Sandakan website. However, the website is really hoping for news reports from every parish and nothing else can help except for the parish itself to send photos of news reports to the Diocese of Sandakan to be included in its website. For this reason, we enlist the help of each ministry and hope that each ministry will be able to report on its own the activities carried out by its respective ministry, be it the ministry in that parish or in outstations such as the Month of the Rosary, house-to-house visits etc other activities. You can take photos, make a report yourself and send it to the church to be sent to the diocese for reporting, since Catholic Sabah and the Herald will also cite the news on that website. We ourselves can visit the website to see the progress in our community. So I hope you take the opportunity to benefit from this workshop,” he said.
He thanked Tawau SOCCOM Chairman Brother Jerome Lim and the committee members who took the initiative and responded to his request to reactivate social communication in the parish.
Talks on writing and photography were given by Bro. Bartholomew Chong and the photographers’ rules of conduct during the Mass were led by Bro. John Tendahal.
oleh Bartholomew Chong
TAWAU: Para peserta bengkel penulisan berita dan penyediaan gambar untuk tujuan paparan media cetak dan laman web digesa agar melakukan tugasan mereka dengan teliti selepas mengikuti bengkel tersebut untuk mengelak dari menyalur sumber maklumat yang tidak tepat atau palsu.
Rev. Fr. David A. Garaman semasa ucapan aluan beliau semasa permulaan ‘Bengkel Berita Dan Penggambaran’ menggesa agar penyaluran berita-berita yang tidak betul perlu dibendung.
`Penyaluran sumber yang tidak sah boleh memudaratkan persepsi masyarakat dan akan memberi impak yang negatif kepada semua’, ujarnya.
Beliau juga berkata para pengamal media yang menerima tunjuk ajar dalam bengkel tersebut supaya mengikuti cara-cara menyediakan berita dengan betul dan berdaya saing agar masyarakat Katolik dapat mengikuti perkembangan yang ada.
Seruan Fr. David disahut oleh pihak penceramah yang terdiri dari saudara Bartholomew Chong dari Daily Express dan saudara Norbert Alen Kee dari The Borneo Post.
Turut memberi ceramah adalah seorang juru foto berkemahiran, saudara John Tendahal.
Dalam bengkel yang diadakan antara 30 dan 31 Ogos, lebih 20 peserta yang mewakili pelbagai badan dalam gereja di paroki daerah telah mengambil bahagian dimana bengkel tersebut telah menyediakan empat tajuk ceramah iaitu cara menyediakan berita, peraturan-peraturan yang perlu diamalkan oleh para jurugambar, penggambaran untuk tujuan media dan teknik temubual.
Acara yang diadakan di dalam dewan bawah gereja telah memperlihatkan para peserta didedahkan dengan cara berita disediakan, gambar sokongan untuk berita yang berkenaan dan mendapatkan maklumat untuk bahan berita.
Saudara Jerome Lim, wakil SOCCOM paroki berkata bengkel tersebut dilakukan atas dorongan Fr. David yang ingin melihat penyaluran berita paroki dengan lebih aktif kepada Diosis Sandakan dan masyarakat Katolik.