by dospo | Apr 5, 2024 | Baptism, EASTER TRIDUUM, St. Joseph Church
by dospo | Apr 14, 2023 | celebration, Confirmation, EASTER TRIDUUM, easter vigil, Paskah, ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL SANDAKAN
Article by Vinnie Beatrice Yapp Pictures by SOCCOM (Romeo, Johnstone & Jonathan) Sandakan: Easter Vigil was celebrated in the evening of 8th April 2023 at St. Mary’s Cathedral presided over by His Lordship Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom, in the presence of over...
by Admin | Apr 15, 2010 | EASTER TRIDUUM, HOLY WEEK
Sandakan : Bishop Julius celebrated Easter Triduum, the most intense period in the liturgical year, beginning with Holy Thursday on 1st April followed by Good Friday Service the following day and Easter Vigil on Saturday, 3rd April at St Mary’s Cathedral which was...