by dospo | Apr 19, 2023 | Confirmation, Lahad Datu, NEOPHYTE'S, St Dominic's Church
Arnessan Anak Bitim Shalom, to all brothers and sisters in Christ. My name is Arnessan Anak Bitim from Sarawak, now I live and work in Lahad Datu Sabah. On April 8th, I received my sacrament of Baptism at St. Dominic, Lahad Datu. I would like to share that as a...
by dospo | Apr 18, 2023 | Baptism, NEOPHYTE'S, sandakan, ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL SANDAKAN
CHRISTAL CHONG I joined the RCIA session in August 2022. It was a wonderful experience at the RCIA session. The facilitators were very kind and helpful and genuinely tried to guide us in our faith. I am also blessed to have made some good friends on my RCIA journey....
Sandakan : Some 150 neophytes and their family members gathered at the St Mary’s Parish Hall to celebrate the Neophyte’s Night on Sunday, April 18th 2010. Also in attendance were the rector, Fr Thomas Makajil, his assistant, Fr Paul Lo, Deacon David Garaman and...
by Admin | May 5, 2009 | CATECHETICAL, NEOPHYTE'S
Group photo of the Neophyteswith the Parish Priest, Fr Thomas MakajilSandakan : A total of 52 newly baptized, their sponsors and all animators of the RCIA process attended the annual neophyte’s nite at the St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Hall on Sunday 3rd May 2009. The...