Briefing on Proclamation of the Word to Lectors of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan by the Rector, Fr. Simon J. Kontou

Briefing on Proclamation of the Word to Lectors of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sandakan by the Rector, Fr. Simon J. Kontou

By Evelyn Jock Rev. Fr. Simon J. Kontou, Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish, Sandakan gave a Briefing to the Lectors on the proclamation of the Word on 26 August 2023 in the Cathedral. About 100 lectors, old and new from St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Joseph’s...


Gambar dan berita oleh: Komisi Komunikasi Sosial Keuskupan Sandakan.Rombongan Paitan Mission dari St. Mary’s Katedral Sandakan sedang bertolak ke St. Peter Kg. Tigawi dari St. Clare Dalamos Paitan dengan menaiki perahu bot melalui sungai Kawananan salah satu...